Abuse Awareness: Sexual Consent Within Marriage

There’s a lot of talk going around these past few years about consent and how important it is. Unfortunately, this discussion seems mostly targeted at people who seem to be dating or having sex with people they don’t know very well. But what about you? If you’re married, you may be wondering, is there such …

Why Is My Partner Having Trouble Getting Turned On?

For many of us, there comes a time in our life or relationship where getting turned on during sex is difficult. For the partner of such a person, this can feel like a personal failure. If you’re here because your partner is having trouble getting turned on, there’s good news. There are many reasons why …

Why Does My Partner Not Want to Have Sex?

If you’ve recently discovered that your partner doesn’t like sex, you may be confused and uncertain about what to do. If you are someone who finds sex important to your relationship, this can be terrifying and isolating to consider. However, there’s no need to panic. There’s a lot still to consider. The experts at Toronto …

What to Do if You Can’t Have Sex with Your Partner

For some people, having sex with their partner isn’t an option. There are a lot of things that can lead to this situation. You partner might be sex repulsed, have sexual trauma that keeps them from being sexually active, or might be physically disabled in a way that disallows them from having sex. No matter …

What Does it Mean if My Partner is Asexual?

If you’re not very familiar with the term Asexual, finding out that your partner identifies that way can be confusing or even scary. This is especially true if you, yourself, are a very sexual person and find it to be important to your relationship. Have a look at the . If your partner is asexual, …

The Benefits and Pitfalls of an Open Relationship

Something that has gotten more common over the last decade and that doesn’t get talked about in professional circles very much is the arrangement of an open relationship. Many relationship professionals stick by monogamy 100% of the time, renouncing open relationships as a sign of an unhealthy couple. However, open relationships aren’t one size fits …

My Partner and I Have Different Sexual Interests

You’ve done it! You’ve found the most incredible person you’ve ever met. They understand you on a deep, emotional level. You understand them on a deep, emotional level. They laugh at your jokes and they enjoy spending time with you. However, you’ve realized that they have completely different sexual interests. Now you’re panicking because you …

Why Does My Partner Seem Uninterested in Sex?

When entering a new relationship or when remaining in the same one for many years, you may get to a popular question. Why does my partner seem uninterested in sex? This is a question many people ask themselves over the course of their lives. The answer isn’t a one size fits all. There can be …